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Nivashini Silvarajan

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Bowling Bags - How To Choose?

Every bowler, whether amateur or professional, needs a good bowling bag. Today's bowling bags do not only hold balls - they can also hold your bowling shirts, shoes, and other essential equipment. Here are some tips on choosing the right bowling bag for your needs.
Bag capacity
Bags for bowling balls are available in single-ball and multiple-ball varieties. The former is practical for beginners as they don't need a lot of equipment. Single-ball bags can hold one bowling ball, a pair of shoes, gloves, and towels.
Multiple-ball bags are usually for professional players who use different ball weights in a game. They are usually made with rollers or straps to provide easier transport, since you can't carry multiple balls by hand. It also features several compartments for smaller equipment.
Bag material
Most bowling bags are made of leather or polyester. Leather is considered more stylish, but polyester and other synthetic fabrics will hold up better against the weight of the bowling ball. Choose polyester bags if you carry multiple balls or other heavy equipment.
Bag rollers
When choosing multiple ball bags, always pick one with rollers so you won't have to carry the weight of the balls. The weight can strain your shoulders and tire you out even before your game starts. If you want the shoulder strap type, make sure the straps are padded to reduce the pressure on your shoulders.
Bag rollers
Make sure that your bowling bag goes well with your bowling outfit. If you wear a team uniform, choose a bowling bag that complements the color of your uniform. If you are just a recreational bowler and wear regular jeans and shirts when playing, go for a darker shade -- they go with almost everything and do not get as dirty as fast as bowling bags in pastel and lighter shades do.

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