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Nivashini Silvarajan

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

The Types of Bowling Balls Available

There are four main types of bowling balls that are available in the market and the type that you invest in depend on whether the bowling is being done on a professional or casual basis. The balls are made of different materials and aside from cost; this should be used as an indicator of the type of balls one needs to buy. The benefit to buying one's own ball is that it can be customized in different ways to make it more attractive and appealing. Firstly, a cheap bowling ball is as good as any other and the advantage is that you can have the holes drilled at the right angle and depth for your fingers. The depth of the holes is dependent on the type of moves to be done. If the main aim is to achieve different spins then the holes should be shallow so that they only the fingertips go into the holes. This allows a spin to be created and accuracy is increased.

The plastic or polyester balls are good for straight bowlers and they are good for spare shots and for dry alleys. They are durable and great for practice. For the beginner this is a good bowling ball to invest in and it is cost effective. The ball can also be customized in terms of weight, color and any other designs that you may be interested in for the ball to be unique and easy to identify. The utherane ball may not be as cheap as the earlier version but it is also cost effective. A ball is good for hooking as it has a higher friction surface. This is a good option for the moderate bowler, as it requires more control than the plastic or polyester version. Any ball that has reactive resin is good for increased skid and for a stronger striking power.
A combination of the urethane and resin and it is good for controllability. It is a smooth ball and the resin aspect allows it to have power. It is used in oily lanes and is not for the novice but they are good for the moderate bowlers who have some experience in the game. They are cost effective and good for hooking. A ball that is made purely of resin is the most expensive and the professional that has mastered the different moves uses it. When choosing a cheap ball or an expensive one there are several things to consider. The weight of the ball as well as the angle of the drilled finger holes must be taken into consideration. The ball should not be more than 10% of your body weight though for the professional the ball could be heavier. When the ball is being picked up, both hands should be used in order to avoid injury to the arms and back. The cheap plastic balls are great for beginners as they are able to hit pins directly and they roll straight.

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