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Nivashini Silvarajan

Thursday, April 12, 2012

How to Bowl Strikes, How to Curve, Hook, and Spin a Bowling Ball, and How to Shoot a 300!

Some people think bowling is easy. But that simply is not true, bowling, in reality, is one of the most difficult sports in the world. That is unless you know what you are doing. When is the last time you went bowling? Were you embarrassed in front of your friends about how bad you are? If you answered yes, or want to get better at bowling, keep reading.
First off, you need to know some bowling lingo. Wet means the lanes are oily, this means the ball won't hook or curve quite as much. The opposite of wet is dry, so the ball hooks more. The pocket is the gap between the one and three pin for right handed people, and between one and two for lefties. The pocket is where you want your ball to hit in order to get a strike. Carry is the pins actions that knock down other pins. You want lots of carry!
How to hook, curve and spin the bowling ball: It is fairly simple. All you need to do is have sideways rotation on the ball. If you are right handed, you want the rotation going counter clock wise. The best way to do this is to find a ball that properly fits your hand. It is nearly impossible to spin a ball when your fingers go all the way inside the ball. You only want your fingertips in the ball for maximum spin. To spin the ball, all you have to do is pretend you are shaking your hand with the lane as you release the ball. This means as you are letting go, start turning your hand so that your palm is facing the left, if you are right handed. (Make your hand face the right if you're a lefty of course) Please note, it is way harder to make a house ball hook. They are built to go straight, because it is cheaper to use a plastic covering. It will be way easier to bowl strikes with your own ball, that is meant to be curved. They do not even need to be expensive!
How to bowl a strike: this is also simple. Hit the pocket, with enough speed, and at the right angle, and you will get a strike almost every time! Here's how to do that. What you want to do, is hit the pocket at the highest speed you can, without losing accuracy. This ensures the pins have more energy falling, thus knocking over more pins. If you can hit the pocket so that the ball is heading toward the left side of the five pin for righties, and the right side of the five pin for lefties, that will help you even more. Having the right angle with maximum speed ensures you have enough carry.
To bowl a 300 is simple, bowl strikes every time! Note that the oil on the lane will get worn out and move as the day goes on, so what worked in the beginning may not work in the end.
Please note, you should use the arrows on the lane to line up your shot. It is easier to line up a shot that is 15 feet away then it is to line up a shot that is sixty!

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