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Nivashini Silvarajan

Sunday, March 4, 2012

The Best Way to Bowl Strikes

Bowling Tips

Let's face it, whether you are a beginner or whether you have bowled before, the first time most of us ever remember seeing someone bowl strikes we wanted to learn how to do that. While picking up a 7-10 split takes tremendous skill, people would rather bowl strikes simply because of the amazing sense of accomplishment that you get from that familiar sound of all the pins being knocked over. So let us look at all the steps that you need to have in place before you can bowl strikes.
Step 1: The first thing to do is to make sure that you use your right foot. If you are right handed be sure to start with your right foot. If you are a lefty be sure to start with your left foot. If you start off on the wrong foot you run the risk of being off balance and you will be more concerned about staying upright than with your attempt to bowl strikes.
Step 2: The moment you start moving forward it is important you focus on your shoulder corresponding with the foul line. If you move or twist one way or another, you are going to put some unwanted spin on the ball and your ball will veer to the left or the right.
Step 3: Make sure you swing the ball back in a straight line, even Fred Flintstone got this part right, do not swing the ball around your body or you are going to hit the gutter each time.
Step 4: Be sure to stop right in front of the foul line before you let the ball go, there is nothing more frustrating than when you bowl a strike but still end up with a big 'F' on the scoreboard because you managed to slip a toe over the foul line.
Step 5: Most commercial lanes will have dots or arrows on the lane to help you guide your ball. Even though the professionals on television make it look really easy (and cool!) to start with a side throw, try to aim for the middle because it gives you the best chance you have to bowl strikes if you're using standard house bowling equipment.
Step 6: Remember the first time you ever picked up a bowling ball and got ready to throw? The only thing most people focus on is their feet, their stance and whether or not they are going to cross the foul line. Once you start getting more comfortable with the game though, you are going to want to focus on the pins themselves, after all that is ultimately where you want to aim.
While bowling might not have complicated rules or require too much physical exertion, it is still going to take some time before you get good enough to where you bowl strikes more than you let the ball wander off into the gutter. The most important thing to remember is that practice is only going to make you better.

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