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Nivashini Silvarajan

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Bowling Tips for Beginners - Contd. from Yesterday

Bowling Tips

First you must perfect your straight ball and become consistent. Learning the straight ball can be very easy for the beginner or very difficult. If you have a natural hook or curve to your throw, even the better. Perfect both with practice and you will have an advantage. You may be able to pick up spares and throw more difficult shots sooner than other beginners because your natural throw is to curve.
Next comes your delivery and how many steps you take. You will need to figure out which works best for you. Three-step, four-step and a five-step delivery’s all have a slight difference in the way one bowls and how the shot speed is adjusted. Finding the delivery that feels the most comfortable is the best for beginners. Make adjustments for your stride length and overall height.
Next comes your release, this is very important to the overall shot and depicts where your ball lands and how it rolls. Always remember to release the ball only after it has passed over your left foot (for righties). By only releasing the ball when it passes over your left foot, you have better aim at your target. This should feel awkward at first but will soon become part of your natural bowling stance and release procedures. Practice and determination is the only way to master your release.
Next come the delivery and how far past the foul line a ball should be released. This is harder to standardize because we are all different sizes and heights. Speed and length of stride also have effect on one’s personal delivery. A bowler with longer arms and legs would probably release their ball about 2 feet past the foul line. A person with shorter arms and legs would release their ball just a few inches passed the foul line. There is not an incorrect amount of distance and this varies by player and technique.
You must work towards your own perfect, natural and easy delivery. The only way to teach consistency of form and stance is to bowl natural with an easy style that lets you become more consistent and to hold your consistency. If this part of your game is slightly off wait until you have mastered your straight ball to adjust. It will be more likely you are more comfortable with your throw and it won’t feel strange to adjust slightly. Be natural and don't try too hard on a delivery just because a pro may be doing it. Make up your own style and technique. Always remember too that it is not the size of your ball in weight that gets strikes - it’s the bowler. Using a ball too heavy can cause injury, a 12lb. ball works for most beginners unless they are children. You will soon be bowling multiple strikes in a row!

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