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Nivashini Silvarajan

Thursday, January 19, 2012

What is Length, Flare Potential, Hook Rating and Overall Hook?

Bowling Tips
Ebonite uses a scale of (1 to 30) for their Hook and Length. Hook of 30 is a high hooking ball. Length tells you which balls within the Ebonite line go the longest or shortest before hooking. Keep in mind that this scale only applies to Ebonite's line of balls. Other makers have own scale.
Length: Length expresses the ability of a ball to grip the lane in the presence of oil. Also refers to the point at which the ball transitions from skid to hook (the Breakpoint). Since the amount of oil on the lane normally decreases from front to back, balls that can grip the lane through heavy amounts of oil will hook earlier where balls that can grip the lane only through lighter amounts of oil will hook later.
Flare Potential: Flare potential is directly related to the amount of Rpm's supplied by the bowler. Low RPM bowlers will have less than maximum flare potential.
Hook Rating: The higher the hook rating the more traction the ball will get with the lanes. If you bowl at an ally that puts down alot of oil long than you want a ball with a high hook rating. The length scale tells you how far the ball with go down the lane before it flips and breaks.
Overall Hook: Overall Hook refers to total amount of hook, from release to the pins. Higher hook ratings are preferred for heavy oil and faster ball speeds.

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